For Scientists & Researchers
Invitation to scientists & researchers for collaboration
We believe that our collaboration can significantly increase your added value via the digital implementation of your work as well as to double the number of your scientific followers. This could be a good opportunity to present your findings, methods/approaches and receive analytics and feedback on a large scale because we use data-driven approaches and ready to test any new proposals with A/B-test on the huge audience with sharing results.
Our team has a vast experience and partnership network to build and popularize this scientific projects and knowledge in the field of ASD and make it available to everyone, who is interested and in need.
Today with international Scientists team and Centers for Autism treatment, we tested different CBT approaches and findings. We got good feedback from ASD children tutors on our science results of art therapy approach in Colorist:
Also, we see a big problem in current science researches: all the tests and trials for ASD were done on groups of 10-20 persons. We can improve this with tests and feedbacks from the big quantity of users with our data-driven approaches. We are highly interested in your feedback and ideas relevant to our research or references from your colleagues.
We understand the actuality of the chosen area. To my mind, only with collaboration, we can make initial steps toward popularization and implementation of useful projects and scientifically proven approaches for ASD children and their families. Moreover, you may share this mission with us and you can actively participate in this technology and science building with feedback from Big Data.
We would be delighted to receive brief feedback on this and especially grateful to the further cooperation in providing relevant information, advices and recommendations.
Colorist Science Team
Chief scientist
Dr. Victoria Tsokota
[email protected]